Dry Sauna


Unlike steam saunas…

Dry saunas have very low humidity levels.  Due to these lower humidity levels, dry saunas are effectively much hotter than steam saunas.  Without the high levels of humidity in the air, dry sauna’s evoke more significant therapeutic benefits by naturally causing the body to sweat more and the heart rate to rise significantly while still being safe. These reactions promote an increase in metabolic processes, functioning to detoxify the body and promote weight loss.  Dry saunas are more effective than steam saunas at removing toxins and contribute to the removal of heavy metals that include lead, mercury and nickel, while also removing sodium, sulfuric acid and cholesterol from the body.  All of these toxins will have been gathered from your environment. 

Any concern about dryness to the skin can be alleviated by the application of a good quality lotion afterwards.

Dry saunas a particularly popular in Scandinavian countries where they are often followed by a plunge into a cold lake.